
How Get To Other Side Of Queens Garden Hollow Knight

While venturing through Hallownest in search of the next challenge, it might seem like it goes on forever. No matter how deep you dive into this extremely-successful game, it never seems like you reach the very edge of the map, with more platforming, monstrous insects, and land to discover all the time.

Each area of Hallownest is visually different and distinct in its vibe. There are flourishing plants that adorn the Queen's Gardens, while the Ancient Basin is mostly devoid of anything nice. Each region of Hollow Knight's beautiful world is different, and they all have something unique to offer. Here's each major area of Hallownest, ranked.

15 Royal Waterways

Is it any surprise that a sewer finds its place at the bottom of this list? The Royal Waterways are pretty and even somewhat calm, but at the end of the day, we all know "Royal Waterways" is a nice way of saying "the plumbing system for the City of Tears."

This is only further confirmed by the area's first major boss — the Dung Defender. You'll need to keep your nose plugged and throw some plastic bags around your shoes before you spend any time in this sewer system. Oh, and watch out for the infected insects attacking you.

14 Ancient Basin

Beneath the sewers of the Royal Waterways lies the Ancient Basin. This dark, dank area is almost entirely devoid of life. The few things that roam these dark halls include infected bugs and the remains of a lost empire.

Without much to draw interest, the Ancient Basin is not one of the greatest areas in the game. One thing that may stand out is the Palace Grounds, an area to the east of the Ancient Basin region. This is where the Pale King decided to build his palace, and from it, the rest of the kingdom spread. It has some interesting lore, but visually and aesthetically, it doesn't have much going on.

13 Howling Cliffs

Far from the dark, gloomy depths of the Ancient Basin and Royal Waterways are the open, sprawling atmospheric heights of the Howling Cliffs. This area is one of the most open and "outdoors" in all of Hallownest, being located at the far northwest of the entire map.

Very sparsely populated, there isn't much to see here. The main draw of the Howling Cliffs is that they're outside and feel like freedom compared to the confines of Hallownest's inner regions. Also, the Stag Nest can be found here, which is a touching monument to one of the nicest friends the Knight will make in his travels.

12 Fog Canyon

Acid pools, thorny outcroppings, and a ton of hazy mist all cover the areas within Fog Canyon. This spooky and dangerous area is filled with gas and infested with floating, infected, jellyfish-like monsters that explode when struck. It's a hard area to navigate without being hurt, but it hides the lair of Teacher Monomon.

Keep your wits about you when visiting Fog Canyon. The wrong steps will put the Knight in grave danger from the many hazards here.

11 Resting Grounds

The main point of focus in the Resting Grounds is the home of the Seer, an important character that will help on the Knight's quest to find the Dreamers and utilize the Dream Nail.

This area actually changes in the game. Before obtaining the Dream Nail, the Resting Grounds are mostly lifeless and devoid of color. After the Dream Nail is obtained, the area shifts to a nice blue with some ghostly apparitions throughout its many corridors.

10 Kingdom's Edge

If the Howling Cliffs represent the northwestern edge of the Hallownest, then Kingdom's edge is surely the opposite. Far to the east in this area, which is very interesting. It is perpetually covered in white ash from the corpse of a gigantic Wyrm corpse.

At the top of the area is the Colosseum of Fools, a large ring for bugs to battle to the death. Their corpses are frequently seen falling into the acid pits at the bottom of the area.

9 Fungal Wastes

With how wet, dark, and closed off Hallownest is, it's a surprise that the entire thing is not covered in mold and fungus. That is the case for this area though, aptly-titled the Fungal Wastes.

These corridors are home to a ton of large fungi, many of which are bouncy and used in platforming challenges. The southern portion contains the Mantis Village, home to some of the coolest but most difficult bosses in the game.

8 Deepnest

What horrors await in the depths of Hallownest? Deepnest, an area far buried in the southwest of the kingdom, is a dark, gloomy, scary area. It's full of terrifying monsters, platforming labyrinths, and a ton of creepy-crawly spiders.

This area is home to the Distant Village and the Failed Tramway. Both of these areas are draped in cobwebs. The tramway apparently couldn't be built because the workers were continuously attacked while building it.

7 The Abyss

Deepnest may be deep, as its name implies, but it has nothing on the sheer depth of the Abyss. This region is buried far beneath the halls of Hallownest and is home to the Void, a substance out of which the protagonist, the Knight, was created.

The Abyss is a desolate and dark land, home to almost nothing notable outside of a large, mysterious lighthouse and a giant pool of Void. "Siblings," rejected Void creatures, will attack the night ominously. This is a creepy area.

6 Forgotten Crossroads

The original area and the first that players will experience, the Forgotten Crossroads are an early-game zone with exits to many of the other areas in Hallownest. This area is important as somewhat of a central terminal with connections to the other areas, primarily, but is also home to shopkeepers, bosses, and its own challenges.

After certain points in the game, the Forgotten Crossroads will become the Infected Crossroads, fill with the Infection and become much more dangerous.

5 Greenpath

Houseplants and horticulture are going through a revival in recent years. With foliage being all the rage, it's understandable that Greenpath has a certain aesthetic appeal. An early-game area like the Forgotten Crossroads, Greenpath is covered in a ton of flora from top to bottom.

The vegetation in Greenpath covers absolutely everything, and the result is a beautiful landscape of plants and greenery.

4 Crystal Peaks

If plants aren't your thing but crystals and minerals are, Crystal Peak is the area to visit. This former mine in the northeastern portion of Hallownest is adorned with enormous pink crystals that glisten in the light.

The area is themed around mines and quarries with the infrastructure to support them. The conveyor belt platforming is fun and different, and the area is all-around very pretty.

3 The Hive

Arguably the most forgotten area in all of Hallownest, visiting the Hive is not actually strictly necessary to complete the game. This hidden area tucked away deep below the Kingdom's Edge is a gorgeous palace of golden honeycombs and crystalline structures.

The area is totally inhabited by bees and wasps, and not really much else. Ignoring the onslaught of stingers flying at you, it's easy to get transfixed by this area's golden beauty.

2 Queen's Garden's

People who love Greenpath will absolutely lose it when they visit the Queen's Gardens. This area is like Greenpath on plant steroids. Where foliage has run wild in Greenpath, the Gardens are a curated assortment of the most beautiful plants one can find.

The Gardens are filled floor to ceiling with flowers, shrubs, and more. It's an absolutely stunning cavern with probably the freshest air in the kingdom.

1 City of Tears

The shining gem at the center of Hallownest's heart, and the pride and joy of the people of the kingdom, the City of Tears is an architectural marvel.

This large city is not just beautiful and impressive aesthetically, it's also the home of many of the game's most important locations. It's a breathtaking area where turquoise rain perpetually falls from the above Blue Lake. It's truly a stunning region in a game full of them. Hopefully, the sequel, Silk Song, will introduce us to even more.

NEXT: 5 Features from Hollow Knight That We Hope Return in Silksong (& 5 We Don't)

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About The Author

Michael Christopher (486 Articles Published)

Michael is an editor at and a journalist with several years of experience writing about video games, television, and social issues. He loves indie platformers, Pokémon, and Hack 'n Slashers. Currently playing: Genshin Impact, No Man's Sky, Just Cause 4, and Stardew Valley. Follow Michael on GG:

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How Get To Other Side Of Queens Garden Hollow Knight


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